For those of you that don’t know, we have a set of twins that will be turning two in November. These boys keep us on our toes. Going out to eat is usually a really bad idea. And I mean TERRIBLE. The moment we put these sweet boys into highchairs, they turn into little monsters. The meal is usually a complete blur and we leave feeling so frazzled and swearing that we will NEVER do this again. We are usually leaving the restaurant with our heads down in shame. Yesterday, my husband said those words. “Let’s go have breakfast”. I reluctantly agree and as we were leaving I grabbed the camera. My husband questioned me and said it was a bad idea, that I wouldn’t have time to get it out because we would probably be pulling our hair out. Once we arrived at Norma’s Cafe we decided to forego the highchairs and to see how they did sitting in the booth and something amazing happened. They acted decent!!! Not great…but not bad!! And yes, I documented every second of it.