I know it’s still almost 100 degrees here, but it’s already time to think about those holiday cards!! Or just fun sessions so you can remember the most wonderful time of the year for your littles! A lot of my time slots are getting booked up, but I still have a handful of times available as of today. Those of you that follow me know that I only do themed sessions during the holiday season as I prefer to focus most of my time on family & newborn lifestyle sessions, but I’m sort of a Christmas junkie! Here is a list of Christmas / holiday mini sessions I’m offering this year:
Christmas jammies at Studio House – October 24th and November 22nd
The Santa Experience (he’s the REAL DEAL y’all) at Studio House – November 27th – BOOKED
Rustic Holiday Minis at Studio house – November 1st (BOOKED) & December 6th (I will have these back to you for cards!)
***NEW THIS YEAR*** Red VW Bus Minis!! – November 29th
If you want in on one of these special minis, you can go directly to this link! They’re filling up fast! https://app.usesession.com/#/links