I can’t believe the first month of 2016 has come and gone. The older I get (and maybe the more kids I have), I feel like the world is spinning faster on it’s axis. The time is flying by and my children keep growing older. I’m just trying to hold on as tight as I can. This project can make me want to pull my hair out at times, but has also been such a blessing at forcing me to capture the in between moments that I so desperately cling to. I recently read a new breakout from Clickin Moms titled “Images from the Heart: Composing a Love Letter to Your Children Through Photographs” by Kyla Ewert. It was a great read, but that title alone tugged on my heartstrings. It was one of those “aha moments” that we (photographers) get at times. I’ve known for the past year and a half that by taking daily photos I was documenting our life in a way that would allow us to hold on to our memories forever, but after reading that breakout I now realize that it’s not just memory keeping. It’s showing my children all the things I love about them. The freckles on my oldest’s nose, the toothless grin of my 8 year old since he’s missing his two front teeth, the love one of my twins has for Thomas the Train and even the insane tantrums my other twin is amazing at throwing and makes me want to lock myself in my bedroom with a box of girl scout cookies. Every little detail and moment (good or bad) counts. This is our season of life right now and I hope that the thousands of photographs this house is starting to accrue will matter to them one day as much as they matter to me.