Kimberly milano

2016 Year in Review

I woke up today and decided “I’m going to blog!” because it’s been awhile.  4 months to be exact.  What happened this year?  Well, I started off 2016 with a bang.  I look back at my personal work and am pretty pleased.  Perfection?  Nope.  Never.  But I’m happy.  I also made Click Pro which was SUPER exciting.  And then it happened.  A BIG FAT RUT.  Happens all the time, right?  Yes…but this one was a long one for me.  My client work didn’t suffer, but my personal work did.  I wasn’t happy with anything and looking back, there is definitely a huge hole in the middle of 2016 that is missing something.  But, somewhere in the middle of busy season (AKA as fall family portrait season), I realized that I NEEDED my personal work to improve.  After all, what is the point of a rut if you don’t come out of it?  Because you know what’s on the other side of something negative?  Something positive.  So finally…FINALLY at the end of the year, I got my groove back.  Perfect?  Nope.  Still not perfect…but I’m happy.  I’m happy because I’m shooting what I feel and what I love again and it’s working.  For me anyway.  So 2017 is going to consist of another 365 project, which I hope to share on here and on my instagram feed (and even a few on facebook!).  It’s also going to consist of plenty of client work.  Because I love that too and I can’t wait to grow even more with all of you.  I have a few other goals in mind that I DO have documented, because if they’re aren’t written down they won’t get done, amiright?  So Happy New Year and here’s a little glimpse of my personal 2016 images.



Kimberly Milano

Kimberly Milano is a natural light photographer based out of Prosper, TX. She serves the entire DFW area including McKinney, Frisco, Celina, Plano, Little Elm, Aubrey, Allen, Richardson, & Dallas.


Kimberly Milano specializes in newborn, child, senior & family photography.